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10X - The Ultimate (intermediate) Update!
Deep within the digital labyrinth, whispers of a mysterious presence have begun to surface—a shadowy figure whose silhouette looms like a secret waiting to be...
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v11 - Current Status
Hi all, So, I know it’s been a while since a BunnyPad release, but that’s because we are planning for the largest update yet. Replace has been implemented...
v10 - Bunolution 1
BunnyPad Version 10.0 Changelog Updated to PyQt6 : BunnyPad now uses PyQt6, enhancing its graphical user interface and providing better compatibility with moder...
1 file
Current Status
Hi guys, I know it’s been a while since a release was made, but that’s because I’ve been trying to make BunnyPad be one of the best updates yet. I can pro...
Welcome to BunnyPad v9: BunnyPad As we have reached 200 downloads before the first year after v1’s launch, we have decided to implement new Easter eggs, and h...
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Return of v6
I’ve decided to put v6 back on the list because of how popular it is. Happy Holidays, everyone Garry...
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Emergency Patch
So there was a slight issue due to UPX being ran on the executable before the version data was applied, which corrupted it. We now have to use UPX to keep the f...
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BunnyPad v8: MegaUpdate
BunnyPad Version 8 (MegaUpdate) Changelog Release Date: 21 Dec 2023 Welcome to BunnyPad 8, a significant update that brings new features, improvements, and comp...
1 file

Please use this section for bug reports or feature suggestions. If your comment is just overall about the software, that's fine. Please note that anyone pushing misinformation or failing to do research may be restricted.

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A) Use common sense. If you think it would offend someone or get ya banned, it probably will.

B) Don't spread misinformation. This will result in a ban.

C) BunnyPad uses Pyinstaller to create it's executable. Before saying something, do research to see if other pyinstaller executables are affected.

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Subtitle: Baseless Rumors Traced Back to Envious Source; Cybersecurity Experts Confirm Legitimacy In recent months, Bunn...
started by GSYT Productions May 14, 2024
1 reply
While she may have left the server and GC with her main Discord account, I still want to tell her happy birthday. I pray...
started by GSYT Productions Feb 08, 2023
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I have been using this more then word and notepad but I wish it had more code support for programming
started by CasonPlayzYT Jan 15, 2024
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