A downloadable Notepad for Windows

BunnyPad: the Newest and Cutest way to take notes

Finally, after a long time of development, we are pleased to release BunnyPad to the world. Though some things will be missing in v1, we will fix them in v2, v3, and so on.

Coded in PyQt6, Dedicated to PBbunnypower

Versions 1-3 use what's known as "The Vivo Engine". This engine lacked features and was rather unstable. Can be found on the Internet Archive

Version 4 introduces the PrettyFonts Engine, which allows us to develop easier, and have a more robust program.


PBbunnypower - The Star of the Show, she created the icon of the app, and the project is dedicated to her

BunnyFndr - Main Co-developer

ZeRoTeCh00 - Promoted BunnyPad during stream

UnityAI - Helped with bugchecking the program

ByPad - Porting to Linux

ItzAzan - Vulnerability Testing

GarryStraitYT - Main Developer

Ideas for improvement? Wanna contribute? Well, BunnyPad is Open-Source! Here's the official repository: https://github.com/GSYT-Productions/BunnyPad-SRC/

GSYT Productions, LLC
Updated 22 days ago
StatusIn development
Release date Feb 09, 2023
AuthorGSYT Productions
Tagsbunnypad, Cute, notepad, pyqt6, tools


BunnyPad v10X (Win7-8.1).exe 40 MB
BunnyPadv10X (Win10/11).exe 39 MB

Install instructions

--------Install Instruction------

Windows Users

If you are running the following versions of Windows, do NOT expect it to work:

Windows XP (Server 2003), Windows Vista (Server 2008 r1), Windows 7 (Server 2k8 R2) RTM

For Windows 7 SP1 and Windows 8.x users, please use the Win7-8.1 variant, for this uses PyQt5

The PyQt6 variant requires Windows 10/11 x64

The x86 version has been tested and has multiple vulnerabilities and thus has been removed.


Please use the Wine package


Please hold, we are working on a mobile version.

Development log

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